About me

Hi ! I'm Matthieu Noël, a dedicated interactive media designer with a strong passion for 3D, motion design, special effects and web development. I've honed my skills through formal education and practical experience. I'm a proud graduate of Eikon, a leading interactive media design school based in Fribourg, Switzerland. Additionally, I had the invaluable opportunity to further refine my abilities during an internship at Uni_Verse Studio in Amsterdam.

Currently, I'm thriving as a freelance Interactive Media Designer in Fribourg, Switzerland, where I channel my creativity and expertise to deliver impactful visual experiences. My work speaks for itself, and you can explore my portfolio on my website. If you're interested in learning more about my journey and professional background, please feel free to connect with me here. I'm always open to exciting collaborations and new opportunities in the dynamic world of interactive media design.

Matthieu Noël